Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Now that I have been here almost a full week, I feel I can finally update you all on what I'm up to over here. The answer is: not all that much.

I arrived on a weekend, and the first couple days were pretty much devoted to curing my jet lag. My boss showed me around the city on Saturday. I am actually living in Anyang, which is much larger that Gunpo and has much more to do. I was able to explore a bit on Sunday and took a run (albeit much longer than I originally intended due to my utter lack of knowledge of where I was going) along beautiful streams with giant fish in them. I haven't had a chance to take any pictures yet but they will come!

I have spent the past few days delving into all the work I have to do, and let me tell you, there is A LOT. So many aspects of Romp n' Roll that I took for granted (supplies, organization, etc) I am now setting up. I definitely have a lot to accomplish before we open in 3 weeks!

However, I can tell you that working 9:30-6:30 in an office in Korea is just as boring as it is in America. You still get that weird tingling/pain sensation in your upper back and shoulders and I can't stop looking at my watch and thinking "one more hour!"

I'm still apartment-less and the search is going slowly. I can't tell if my boss is sincerely looking or trying to discourage me from choosing to have an apartment (the other option is to live with him, his wife, and his two children). While his offer is really generous and I don't mind staying there for a little while, I feel I won't really be settled and feel at home until I have my own place and can go about my business without feeling watched all the time.

On happier notes, I have been trying some AMAZING food and I decided I definitely like Korean food. I also am finally getting to know some of my coworkers. Only about 5 people in an office of 30 people speak English, and they were a little shy at first. We have now established friendships on the love of coffee, wine, and my ability to do the Gangnam Style dance. I knew that would be useful.

I have a bunch of fun plans for the next few weeks, including hiking the Mungyeong Saejae Trail, going to an apple festival, and attending a basketball game for Anyang's Team! Soon to come: a post on my observations of unique Korean behavior.

xo Julie

1 comment:

  1. Gangnam is useful ... who knew? That almost makes me think Eric might be ready to venture halfway around the world - ALMOST.

    Love the blog!
