Friday, November 30, 2012

A Quick Thought...

Sorry for the lack of substance in this post, I swear I'll update you all on how things are going in the next few days.

I stumbled across this article the other day and it is definitely resonating with me during this adjustment period. 19 Things You Should Stop Doing In Your 20s

I'm a recent college grad with a decent amount of life experience, but still terribly naive in many ways. Starting my first real full job has forced me to learn some hard lessons fast. Those realizations are only multiplied by the fact I'm working and living in a foreign country. Some of my favorites (and most applicable) are:

1. Stop placing all the blame on other people for how they interact with you.

13. Stop considering the same things you've always done as the only options there are.
15. Stop approaching adverse situations with anger and frustration.

If you have the time, read the article and let me know what you think about it!

xo Julie


  1. Great items Julie. Those "Things you should stop doing" apply to most of us at any age. So easy to want to do it our way and blame others for why things aren't working out. Thanks for posting. Keep up the great writing!


  2. Great list, it made me stop and think. I am resolving to viewe errands and chores in a new light ... and trying to identify things that I "buy" that I will immediately throw away.
