I love winter. I really do. It is my favorite season, full of rosy cheeks and snow and sweaters and hot chocolate. But winter in Korea might truly test my resolve. Veteran English teachers have told me that this cold snap we're in is unusual and came far too early and that it shouldn't get *too* much colder, but I hesitate to believe them. Korean cold is the kind that seeps into your bones, leaving your extremities permanently cold (perhaps that might just be the lack of heating in my office, but I rarely feel comfortable and warm). Korean cold is wind that cuts to your core. Korean cold is wearing three layers on every part of your body. Korean cold means snow and ice that never seem to melt, creating an outside venture into an ice skating adventure.
To combat this cold, I've just booked a vacation to Palawan in the Philippines! I have a week of paid leave between each session, and mine falls the week of New Years. I leave at 8:00 AM New Years Day and am planning on just staying up the night before to ring in the New Year and then heading to the airport. It is a short trip, 5 days/4 nights, but I found a decent deal on a flight and my 3 STAR HOTEL was only $140 for the whole trip and is on the beach! I'm so excited to relax and explore the island and the Filipino culture (and eat delicious food!!).
This is where I will be in 3 short weeks!
I had a very relaxing weekend decorating and organizing my apartment. Saturday night, an Irish friend in Anyang had a mulled wine party (probably my favorite winter drink) complete with delicious mince pies! I got terribly lost trying to find her place, but made my way there eventually.
I had a proper 'lie in' on Sunday (this is one of my favorite British terms as it perfectly describes lounging in bed but not sleeping) before meeting a few friends to go to an art exhibit in Seoul. The museum had a special exhibit on Anish Kapoor, an artist I really only came to appreciate after taking a 3D art class and learning just how difficult it is to execute abstract 3D art. After the museum we went and delicious food at this noodle place. I also had my first 7brau, a Korean IPA that was so good it made up for the disgrace that is Cass and Hite. All in all, a very excellent weekend!
7 brau makes 3 types of beer: Pilsner, IPA, and Stout.
This is my favorite piece by Anish Kapoor. When you stare into the blue hole you truly loose all sense of orientation and it looks like you are staring into the abyss.
xo Julie
Julie - I printed your blog for Granny to read. She loved it. She said that Grandpa Strother would just love it also. At times, while she was reading your blog, she felt like you were channeling him or he must have been looking over your shoulder as you wrote. The things you are doing and seeing are what he did when he was there or would do today. Granny also said that she loved hiking the mountains/Hills around Soule when they lived there in the 70's.